TeamViewer licencja Remote Access to pojedynczy użytkownik, 1 połączenie, 3 urządzenia docelowe.
SupRemo Professional na rok to zaawansowana licencja SupRemo na 3 równoczesne połączenia lub więcej, pozwalające na zdalny monitoring urządzeń, ze zdalnym wdrożeniem SupRemo przez msi, zdalnym monitoringiem, raportami użycia, wsparciem fakturowania usług.
Kategorie oprogramowania
Zestaw komponentów dla programistrów do Delphi, VB i .NET.Zawiera rok wsparcia.
Opis w j. angielskim: "
TN BRIDGE Host Integration Pack 3.5 is a set of components and productivity tools to extend and take advantage of already developed and tested screen-oriented host applications. It provides full connectivity to IBM S/390 and AS/400 systems through standard telnet protocols.
Offering a set of Borland's Delphi-native and ActiveX/.NET-native components it allows developments under the most popular environments like Microsoft Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#, ASP, ASP.NET and Borland's Delphi.
Featuring Development Lab as the new research, tracking and testing environment; it reduces the training curve, as well as development and testing times, while it ensures a more reliable application.
In few hours you can give new life to your legacy application without need to change any line of code on your host.
With Host Integration Pack your application will look: