CorelDraw licencja wieczysta
SupRemo Business licencja na rok na 3 równoczesne połączenia lub więcej. SupRemo pozwala na szybki i łatwy zdalny dostęp, zdalne wsparcie i zdalne zarządzanie dla organizacji, firmy, administracji publicznej.
Kategorie oprogramowania
Typy licencji opis producenta:
Installed UsersYou may install and use a copy of the software on your compatible computer, up to the permitted number of users.Example: package size 5 -> install and use on up to 5 computers.
Concurrent UsersYou may install the software on any compatible computers, up to ten (10) times the permitted number of users, provided that only the permitted number of users actually use the software at the same time.Example: package size 5 -> install on up to 50 (10 times 5) computers and use on up to 5 computers at the same time.
Concurrent User -Terminal Server, Application Virtualization Server, and Virtual Machine EnvironmentsFor a terminal server (Microsoft Terminal Server, Citrix Metaframe, etc.), application virtualization server (Microsoft App-V, Citrix XenApp, VMWare ThinApp, etc.) or virtual machine environment, the number of concurrent users is limited to the Permitted Number of users in the license. In additional, the total number of users authorized to use the Software through the terminal server, application virtualization session, or virtual machine environment is limited to six (6) times the Permitted Number of concurrent users. For example, if you purchase a 5 User Concurrent License, you may authorize access to the software on a terminal server, application virtualization server, or virtual machine environment to thirty (30) users (Permitted Number of Users "5" multiplied by "6" = "30"). While thirty (30) users may be authorized to access the software, only five (5) may use the software concurrently at any given point in time.
Named UsersIf you have licensed the "Named User" version of the software, you may install the Software on up to 5 compatible personal computers or workstations of which you are the primary user thereby allowing you to switch from one computer to the other as necessary provided that only one instance of the Software will be used by you as the Named User at any given time. If you have purchased multiple Named User licenses, each individual Named User will receive a separate license key code.
Please note that for some products not all of the licensing models mentioned above may be available.